
Jakarta JEE8 Enterprise Web Development

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Debugging the JEE 8 Web Hello World Servlet module

JEE 8 Hello World Debug Start Branch

1. In Eclipse select Window -> Preferences -> Server -> Runtime Environments -> Select Tomcat 9 and Edit

Ensure that your Tomcat 9 server is set up correctly

2. Now add in-line java code and a debug point to the JSP page

	<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
	<title>Hello, World Application Index File</title>
	<a href="hello-world">Present the Hello World Input Form...</a><br>
	Java runtime version: <%= System.getProperty("java.version") %>
Run the Web App in Debug mode
This will stop at the JSP line to debug and open the Eclipse Debug Perspective where you can track the stack

4. Repeat the process with the debug point in the servlet

This will stop at the servlet line to debug and open the Eclipse Debug Perspective where you can track the stack

5. Add basic logging to the JEE 8 Web App

Apache Log4J 2
Add Maven Dependencies
Add log4j.properties
appender.xyz.layout.pattern=[%d{yy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS}] [%p] [%c{1}:%L] - %m%n
Add debugging code to the Servlet
private static Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(HelloWorldServlet.class);

LOGGER.info("Servlet " + this.getServletName() + " has started.");

LOGGER.info("Servlet " + this.getServletName() + " has stopped.");	
This will allow you to log status and errors

JEE 8 Hello World Servlet Finish Branch