
Jakarta JEE8 Enterprise Web Development

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JPA Essentials for the Movie Database

1. Introduction

Why Use JPA for Database Operations?

How JPA Simplifies Our Movie DB Project

2. Maven Dependencies

Key Points:

Hands-On: Adding Dependencies

Update your pom.xml file with the following:


3. Marking an Entity and Mapping It to a Table


Example: Mapping the Studio Class

import javax.persistence.*;

@Table(name = "Studio")
public class Studio {
    // Fields and methods here...

4. How JPA Uses Entity Fields

Key Points:

Practical Example: Map the studioName Field

@Column(name = "StudioName", nullable = false, length = 100)
private String studioName;

5. Mapping Surrogate Fields


Demo: Adding a Surrogate Key

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;

6. Creating Simple IDs


Example: Setting Up IDs for the Actor Entity

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long actorId;

7. Creating Composite IDs


Example: Composite Key for the Movie_Actor Table

public class MovieActorId implements Serializable {
    @Column(name = "MovieId")
    private Long movieId;
    @Column(name = "ActorId")
    private Long actorId;

    // equals, hashCode, getters, and setters...

8. Using Basic Data Types


Illustration: Examples in Movie Entity

@Column(name = "MovieReleaseDate")
private LocalDate releaseDate;

@Column(name = "MovieRating", precision = 3, scale = 1)
private BigDecimal rating;

9. Specifying Column Names and Details

Key Points:

Example: Customizing the actorName Field

@Column(name = "ActorName", nullable = false, length = 100, unique = true)
private String actorName;