
Jakarta JEE8 Enterprise Web Development

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4. Implementing Spring Web Services for SOAP - Maven Archetype

Using a Spring Web Services Archetype

In this section, you will create a boilerplate Spring Web Services project in Eclipse using the Spring Web Services Maven Archetype.


  1. Project Setup
    • Step 1: Open Eclipse
      • Launch Eclipse IDE on your computer.
    • Step 2: Create a New Maven Project
      • Go to File > New > Project.
      • Select Maven Project from the list and click Next.
    • Step 3: Select Project Location
      • Choose the workspace location for your project or accept the default location and click Next.
    • Step 4: Select an Archetype
      • In the Archetype selection window, click Add Archetype.
      • Enter the following details:
        • Group Id: org.springframework.ws
        • Artifact Id: spring-ws-archetype
        • Version: 2.4.0 (or the latest version available)
      • Click OK, then select the added archetype and click Next.
    • Step 5: Define Project Coordinates
      • Enter the following details:
        • Group Id: com.nicordesigns
        • Artifact Id: spring-ws-charityregistration
        • Version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
      • Click Finish.
  2. Configuration
    • Step 1: Open Spring Configuration File
      • Navigate to src/main/resources and open the Spring configuration file (applicationContext.xml or in our case web.xml and spring-ws-servlet.xml ).
    • Step 2: Enable WSDL Generation
      • Add the necessary configurations to generate the SOAP WSDL file automatically. This typically involves defining beans for DefaultWsdl11Definition and XsdSchema.
  3. Service Layer Development
    • Step 1: Create Service Interface
      • In the src/main/java directory, create a new package and a Java Interface for your service. Interface name to align with generated WSDL wsdl:portType
    • Step 2: Implement Service Interface
      • Create an implementation class for the service interface.
  4. SOAP Endpoint Implementation
    • Step 1: Define Endpoint Class
      • Create a new class for your SOAP endpoint and annotate it with @Endpoint.
    • Step 2: Map Requests to Methods
      • Use @PayloadRoot, @RequestPayload, and @ResponsePayload annotations to map incoming SOAP requests to appropriate methods.


  1. Spring Web Services Documentation
  2. Spring Framework Reference Documentation
  3. Jakarta EE Documentation